Blue Fern Press is my indie self-publishing imprint. Hop over there to check out some of my short stories.

Once upon a time, when twitter was young and innocent, I had fun writing tiny tales to post there. This was quite a challenge in the old days of 140-character tweets. Followers enjoyed them, so when I amassed a whole slew of these big little stories, I published a book of them. It’s available on Amazon as a paperback or ebook. Read more about it here: Between Blinks, artfully short stories


I also self-published longer short stories back in the day. A few of them are available here: Blue Fern Press short stories These are free to read, folks!

If you only have a few minutes, I recommend any of the flash fiction pieces, “An Odd Request,” or “Crossed Legs,” or “Craving Popcorn.” If you want to sink your teeth into a proper story, you’ll enjoy “No Reward for Dead Bird.”

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